Serving One Another (ADULTS AND FAMILY)

  • Men's ministry

    OUR GOAL - To encourage, empower and equip men in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit to be leaders in their families, our church body and community. We aim to stimulate fellowship, spiritual growth, and accountability towards God and one another. "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another" (John 13:35).

    WHEN WE MEET - Every other Thursday at 7 pm in small group bible studies, as well as retreats, prayer groups, breakfasts and other fellowship events during the year, Please check the calendar for dates and times.

    FOR INFO CONTACT - John Salerno

  • Women's ministry

    OUR GOAL - To grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

    WHEN WE MEET - We meet throughout the year for Bible Studies on Tuesdays, both morning and evening, have an annual weekend Ladies Retreat, Christmas party, hospitality ministry, decorating ministry as well as craft events or workshops. We love to fellowship and make Jesus the focus of our conversations. 

    FOR INFO CONTACT: Amy Dickerson


    OUR GOAL - To instill the importance of discipleship, and to lead them in their walk with the Lord. By helping them grow in their knowledge of Christ and His Word we desire that they build a solid foundation in the Word of God.

    WHEN WE MEET - Every other Friday of the month at 7 pm for in-depth discussion about how to face the challenges of living for Christ in today's culture through small group teaching, prayer and fellowship opportunities.

    FOR INFO CONTACT - George Parlitis


    OUR GOAL - Children are gifts from the Lord -- they are an invaluable part of the body of Christ. By helping them know His unsurpassed love, trust in His finished work on the Cross. they would be equipped to walk day-by-day with Him in dependency and trust. Our heart is to model discipleship while teaching of the Word of God at their level of understanding.

    WHEN WE MEET - Every Sunday at 10 am. Nursery Care is available for Infants through Toddlers, and Children's Church following worship.

    FOR INFO CONTACT - Tam Stuhl

  • WORSHIP Ministry

    OUR GOAL - To see people draw closer to Jesus through song, prayer, and freely submitting our hearts and lives to Him. We have a contemporary style and a Biblical focus. We are always seeking believers gifted to lead people to the place of meeting Jesus as we worship our King and Savior together.

    FOR INFO CONTACT - Jeff Van Ness

  • PRAYER Ministry

    OUR GOAL - To intercede for others as the Holy Spirit leads us to pray in a way that honors and glorifies the Lord Jesus. Our desire is to help believers enter into a deeper, powerful and intimate prayer life. 

    WHEN WE MEET - Join us for pray at 9:45 before Sunday service, and to attend the Monday night  7:30 pm prayer at the Vollmer's house. You may also participate through our email prayer chain.

    FOR INFO CONTACT -  Mike Pupa


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Serving the Community (Outreach)

  • Christmas Outreach

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  • angel tree outreach

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