Acts chapter two, verse 42 tells us that the early church "...continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Being in fellowship with one another means gathering informally is an important part of our communion with Christ, and one another. Along with reading the Scriptures, spending time in prayer and worship, the times we get together are for encouragement, edification and our growth as believers. In other words, sharing one another's lives on this side of eternity is only preparation for our heavenly home which we wait in eagerly anticipation.

Check back here regularly for upcoming opportunities to meet in true koinonia—communion with your fellow believers in Jesus.

  • thanksgiving agape meal

    Wednesday, Nov. 27th @ 6 pm

    Our eagerly anticipated (and always interesting) Thanksgiving Agape Potluck is coming soon. It's the only Thanksgiving meal WITHOUT the traditional Thanksgiving foods (save that for the following day). We invite and challenge you to bring whatever non-turkey day meals you can come up with.

    You can help make it a rousing success by signing up through Perfect Potluck below. Just fill in the username: Chapel and password: 4172 to sign up.

    Perfect Potluck